Choose Your Pile and Material: Build Your Dream Los Angeles Carpet

Two distinct factors separate carpets today: the type of pile and fiber used. There are still other factors to consider, but the Carpet and Rug Institute says getting to know these two first is a good start. A Los Angeles carpet offered in stores like Cheap Floors Los Angeles can feature one of the following for each category:

Carpet Rug

Type of Pile

The cut pile is one of the most common carpet builds in the market, characterized by rows and columns of twisted fabric pillars. A cut pile, at one point of the carpet manufacturing process, was once a loop pile (to be discussed later) that had its loops sheared. If your children and pets often play in a carpeted room, cut pile carpets can prevent objects from snagging.

If you prioritize aesthetics, go for loop carpets. The pattern for these loops can be level or at various heights to create unique designs. Some loop carpets may also feature cut piles, which brings the best of both worlds. Both cut and loop piles are best for high-traffic areas, but loop piles aren’t ideal playgrounds due to the risk of snagging.

Type of Material

Genuine carpets are usually made out of wool, but its hefty cost may put the carpet market in trouble if it only offered that. This is why Los Angeles carpet installation services look to modern materials for carpets. There are dozens of carpeting materials used, but some low-cost options include nylon, polyester, and olefin.

Nylon is one of the oldest, having been in use in carpets as early as the 1960s. Nylon carpets are known to be durable and come in a wide array of colors.

Polyester also comes in two types: regular polyester (PET) and trixeta (PTT). PET and PTT offer increased stain resistance compared with nylon but at the cost of resilience. In the 1990s, PTT was introduced for the material to have some degree of durability.

Olefin excels at resisting water-based stains, making them a prime choice for outdoor carpets. Its dyeing process makes sure the color stays even when exposed to the harshest conditions.

(Article information from “Carpet and Rug Construction,” Carpet and Rug Institute)